From China

  • For Chinese investors, overseas markets are a challenging combination of opportunities and risks.
    Expert advice and targeted support can make things clearer and be the best way to quickly achieve the desired results.



We can provide one-stop shop solutions for Chinese-invested companies, providing management and directorship services in areas like strategy, business, sales, purchases, accounting, hiring & training, marketing and administration.
We follow all the steps needed to set up a new business, assess the validity of the current structure and advise on the best solution to adopt. We identify and assess possible partners, and advise on administrative and legal requirements, company registration and trademarks.
We follow all marketing and branding aspects of your business, either inbound or outboud, including branding strategy and architecture, market research and segmentation, targeting and positioning, correct marketing mix and e-commerce.
We create, build or strengthen relationships with your existing team and your local partners to analyse the market and identify business opportunities, devising strategies aimed at accelerating market penetration and increasing profitability.
We conduct supplier searches and analyses, samples sourcing, requests for quotes, on-site inspections, quality control, contract negotiations and all other services necessary to ensure you get the best out of your suppliers.
We offer translation and intepreting services, assistance with administrative and procedural tasks, business trips, trade exhibitions and conferences. We also offer targeted support in legal and contract negotiations.